Invited speakers
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Dr. Marie-Christine Knippels is an associate professor of science education at the Freudenthal Institute at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. She is a biologist and holds a PhD in Genetics Education (2002). Her research interests include promoting responsible citizenship in science education and the development of metacognitive skills as part of scientific literacy. She led the European PARRISE project that developed the ‘SSIBL’ (Socio-Scientific Inquiry-Based Learning) pedagogy, and is currently leading the Horizon2020 COSMOS-project which leverages SSIBL as a pedagogical means for opening up schools to their communities. She is involved in the Horizon Europe IMP>ACT project focusing on assessment for action competence in the context of sustainability and climate change education. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses for future science teachers and researchers in science education and communication, and served as a member of the Academic Committee of ERIDOB (2014-2022). |
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Laurence Simonneaux est professeure émérite de l’enseignement supérieur agricole et vétérinaire à l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Formation de l’Enseignement Agricole (ENSFEA). Elle a été directrice scientifique de l’ENSFEA. Elle a participé à plusieurs projets de recherche européens sur l’éducation aux biotechnologies. Elle a mené les recherches pionnières sur la didactique des questions scientifiques socialement vives (QSV). Elle a contribué à deux projets internationaux sur la thématique des QSV/SSI : CASSIS (Communication About SocioScientific Issues) dont elle était responsable scientifique et PARRISE (Promoting Attainment of Responsible Research and Innovation in Science Education) dans le cadre du 7th programme européen Science and Society. Elle a participé à plusieurs projets de recherche au niveau national, notamment un projet ANR sur les Supports et Obstacles de l'Education au Développement Durable et un projet « DidacPhyto » sur la réduction de l'utilisation des pesticides… Elle a (co)-édité plusieurs livres sur la didactique des questions socialement vives, rédigé de nombreux articles et fait soutenir une quinzaine de thèses sur cette thématique. |
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Justin Dillon is professor of science and environmental education in the Centre for Climate Change and Sustainability Education at University College London. He is Guest Professor at Zhejiang University, China and will be the 2024 CJ Koh Professor in Education, at the National Institute for Education, Singapore. Justin taught in London schools for 10 years before joining King’s College London in 1989. In 2014, Justin was appointed Head of the Graduate School of Education at the University of Bristol. He joined the University of Exeter in 2017 where he was Director of Research in the School of Education. He returned to London in 2022 to take a chair at UCL. Justin was President of the European Science Education Research Association from 2007-11. He is President of the National Association for Environmental Education and a trustee of the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom. Justin was given ‘The Outstanding Contributions to Research in Environmental Education Award’ by the North American Association for Environmental Education in 2013 and, in 2023, was presented with a Mariano Gago lifetime achievement award by Ecsite, the European association for science and discovery centres, for his commitment to science engagement. He edits the journal, Studies in Science Education, is Associate Editor of Environmental Education Research and is an editor of the International Journal of Science Education. |