From 07/01/2024 to 07/05/2024

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - 43, bd du 11 novembre 1918 - 69622 Villeurbanne

Instructions for authors


Posters should be printed on paper in portrait format and should not exceed 84 cm in width and 118 cm in height (A0 poster will fit perfectly). Please make sure there are eyelets or small holes into the four corners of the poster so that the poster can be attached to a poster display wall which consists of a grid made from wire. Material for placing posters will be available in poster areas. Before the traditional walkaround poster presentation, you will be asked to present your poster in 3 minutes (maximum) for the audience as a whole. There is the option to present the poster with the aid slides (a maximum of two slides, preferably as a pdf file but this should also be . ppt).). The slides are optional.

Oral presentations

Oral presentations should be a maximum of 15 minutes long, followed by 5 minutes for questions and/or discussion. Computers and video projectors will be available in all conference rooms. We recommend that you bring your presentation on a memory USB stick and upload it before the session starts, preferably as a pdf file (but this should also be . ppt).


Symposia follow the same procedure as the oral presentations. Note that the number of participants might differ between symposia and there might be more time available for discussion at some symposia. The chair of the symposia is responsible for the timing of the presentations. She or he will tell you the length of the oral presentations and the length of the discussion.

Round table

Oral presentations in round tables should be a maximum of 10 minutes long. Round tables provide 30 minutes of collective discussion after the individual presentations.